
Web Design & Developement

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Anoka Technical College's Web Design and Development AAS degree program focuses on both designing and developing dynamic web sites.

Web开发人员负责前端和后端Web开发. On the front-end, web开发人员使用HTML的组合, CSS, and scripting languages to build everything a user sees and interacts with on a website.

On the back-end, they develop the application and interact with the server and database that make up the foundational structure of an interactive website using various web technologies.

This unique program allows technical specialization in Web Design and Development while the common core courses and required electives from other options build a broad IT foundation needed to understand the terminology and methodologies of other IT specialties in the workplace. 毕业后的学生为成功竞争高薪做好了准备, 在当今和未来高需求的IT领域中获得丰厚的职业回报.

Flexibleafforadable Blk

Affordable & 灵活的学习选择

Handsoneducation Blk


Advancement Blk


Potential Jobs:

  • Web Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Web Programmer

Salary Information:
See current data at careerwise.minnstate.edu.


“我喜欢(Anoka Tech的)班级规模。. 他们没有那么大,你会迷失在人群中. 每个教练都知道你的名字,并且非常鼓励你."

Natalie Zabrzenski
IT Web Design & Development AAS degree

Program Details

Program Details (pdf)

The Anoka Technical College Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Information Technology with an emphasis in Web Design and Development is a 72-credit program designed to prepare graduates to successfully compete for high-paying, 在当今和未来高需求的IT领域中获得丰厚的职业回报.

This unique program allows technical specialization in Web Design and Development while the common core courses and required electives from other options build a broad IT foundation needed to understand the terminology and methodologies of other IT specialties in the workplace. Anoka Technical College Web Design and Development emphasis graduate will be a specialist in one of the areas of emphasis in Information Technology and will also have a broad IT foundation needed to under-stand the terminology and methodologies of other IT specialties in the workplace.

Web开发人员负责前端和后端Web开发.  On the front-end, web开发人员使用HTML的组合, CSS, and scripting languages to build everything a user sees and interacts with on a website. On the back-end, they develop the application and interact with the server and database that make up the foundational structure of an interactive website using various web technologies. 电竞博彩公司排名要求是通过与雇主协商确定的, 那些在这个行业工作的人, 技术培训专业人员, 以及目前正在寻求IT职业培训和再培训的人.

Anoka Tech's IT curriculum offers more than 90 courses in the following career concentration areas:

  • Business Data Analysis
  • IT Support
  • 网络管理与安全
  • Software Development

Graduates will be encouraged to take advantage of access to corporate recruitment and IT recruiting firms. 实习和勤工俭学的职位也将提供. IT专业的毕业生将会有很高的就业率. The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree includes General Education credits, which broaden knowledge beyond what is required in the technical field and places the student on track for future managerial positions.

  1. 在鉴定中运用批判性思维技能, 分析和解决信息技术问题.
  2. Exhibit interpersonal skills and a professional attitude while working in an information technology environment.
  3. 能以书面和口头形式清晰地表达思想和信息.
  4. 分析,设计和记录系统规格以满足客户需求.
  5. 运用电竞博彩公司排名管理技术解决业务问题.
  6. Collaborate with a team to design and develop customer software-based solutions and integrate them into the user environment.
  7. 对问题进行逻辑推理.

Anoka Technical College graduates will be specialist in their area of emphasis and will also have a broad base of foundational knowledge from the common core courses that span the seven areas of concentration. Professional standards, proper methodology, 比如完善的工程原理和电竞博彩公司排名管理, 是贯穿课程的重点.

工资信息可从 明尼苏达州教育部 and the 明尼苏达州就业和经济发展部

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这个电竞博彩公司排名中的一些课程可能需要先决条件. Please see course descriptions for more details.


This program requires completion of the following twenty-two credits of general education from at least three goal areas of the 明尼苏达转学课程(MnTC).

Course Number Course Title Credits
 ENGL 2105  商业和技术写作(目标1&2) 4
 PHIL 1200  技术、道德与社会(目标9) 3
 MnTC通识教育数学课程(目标4) 3
 MnTC Electives 5


Fall Semester 18
BDAT 1005  数据分析基础 2
ITEC 1003  Networking Fundamentals 2
ITEC 1011  Programming Logic & Design 4
ITEC 1016  Web编程技术 4
TLIT 1005  Technology Fundamentals 3
MnTC Elective   3
Spring Semester
ENGL 2105 商业和技术写作 4
ITEC 2120 Database Design and SQL 4
ITEC 2311 User Experience & Interface Design 4
ITEC 2600 Application Development 4
ITEC 2601 数据库应用开发 4
Fall Semester
ITEC 2215 Linux/Web服务器管理 4
ITEC 2317 Web Interactivity Tools 4
ITEC 2340 Scripting Languages 4
ITEC 2520 移动应用开发 4
 Spring Semester

ITEC 1025

Project Management 4

ITEC 1035

Documentation Standards 2
ITEC 2901 综合顶石电竞博彩公司排名 4
PHIL1200 技术、伦理和社会 3

MnTC Electives



Spring Semester 18
BDAT 1005  数据分析基础 2
ITEC 1003  Networking Fundamentals 2
ITEC 1011  Programming Logic & Design 4
ITEC 1016  Web编程技术 4
PHIL 1200 技术、伦理和社会 3
TLIT 1005  Technology Fundamentals 3
Fall Semester
ITEC 2215 Linux/Web服务器管理 4
ITEC 2317 Web Interactivity Tools 4
ITEC 2340 Scripting Languages 4
ITEC 2520 移动应用开发 4
Spring Semester
ENGL 2105 商业和技术写作 4
ITEC 2120 Database Design and SQL 4
ITEC 2311 User Experience & Interface Design 4
ITEC 2600 Application Development 4
ITEC 2601 数据库应用开发 4
 Fall Semester

ITEC 1025

Project Management 4

ITEC 1035

Documentation Standards 2
ITEC 2901 综合顶石电竞博彩公司排名 4

MnTC Electives


学生可以选择非全日制完成本课程. Part-time students will take longer to complete their program than students who follow the full-time sequence listed on the official program guide (see the program guide PDF under the LINKS section to the right). 因为可能不是每个学期都开设所有课程, it is important for part-time students to reach out to their faculty advisors for help in planning their long-term, 兼职课程顺序. Refer to the below PDF document for first semester part-time course options and further information.

PDF Part-time Options

AAS degree

Business Data Analyst
AAS degree, diploma

IT Support

Network Management & Security
AAS degree, diploma

Software Development
AAS degree, diploma

学生必须获得累计2分.0 GPA或更高才有资格从这个电竞博彩公司排名毕业.


Lisa Hubbard
Lisa Hubbard

Enrollment Services

Current Students

register for classes

学生必须获得累计2分.0 GPA或更高才有资格从这个电竞博彩公司排名毕业.

Apply to Graduate

The Anoka Technical College Diploma in Information Technology with a concentration in Web Design and Development is a 57-credit program designed to prepare graduates to successfully compete for high-paying, 在当今和未来高需求的IT领域中获得丰厚的职业回报.

Web开发人员负责前端和后端Web开发. On the front-end, web开发人员使用HTML的组合, CSS, and scripting languages to build everything a user sees and interacts with on a website.

On the back-end, they develop the application and interact with the server and database that make up the foundational structure of an interactive website using various web technologies.

Flexibleafforadable Blk

Affordable & 灵活的学习选择

Handsoneducation Blk


Advancement Blk


Potential Jobs:

  • Web Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Web Programmer

Salary Information:
See current data at careerwise.minnstate.edu.

Program Details

Program Details (pdf)

The Anoka Technical College Diploma in Information Technology with a concentration in Web Design and Development is a 57-credit program designed to prepare graduates to successfully compete for high-paying, 在当今和未来高需求的IT领域中获得丰厚的职业回报.

This unique program allows technical specialization in Web Design and Development while the common core courses and required electives from other options build a broad IT foundation needed to understand the terminology and methodologies of other IT specialties in the workplace.

Anoka Technical College Web Design and Development graduate will be a specialist in one of the areas of emphasis in Information Technology and will also have a broad IT foundation needed to understand the terminology and methodologies of other IT specialties in the workplace. Web开发人员负责前端和后端Web开发.  On the front-end, web开发人员使用HTML的组合, CSS, and scripting languages to build everything a user sees and interacts with on a website. On the back-end, they develop the application; interact with the server, and database that make up the foundational structure of an interactive website using various web technologies.

电竞博彩公司排名要求是通过与雇主协商确定的, 那些在这个行业工作的人, 技术培训专业人员, 以及目前正在寻求IT职业培训和再培训的人. Graduates will be encouraged to take advantage of access to corporate recruitment and IT recruiting firms. 实习和勤工俭学的职位也将提供. IT专业的毕业生将会有很高的就业率.

  1. 在鉴定中运用批判性思维技能, 分析和解决信息技术问题.
  2. Exhibit interpersonal skills and a professional attitude while working in an information technology environment.
  3. 能以书面和口头形式清晰地表达思想和信息.
  4. 分析,设计和记录系统规格以满足客户需求.
  5. 运用电竞博彩公司排名管理技术解决业务问题.
  6. Collaborate with a team to design and develop customer software-based solutions and integrate them into the user environment..

Anoka Technical College graduates will be specialist in their area of emphasis and will also have a broad base of foundational knowledge from the common core courses that span the seven areas of concentration. Professional standards, proper methodology, 比如完善的工程原理和电竞博彩公司排名管理, 是贯穿课程的重点.

工资信息可从 明尼苏达州教育部 and the 明尼苏达州就业和经济发展部

这个电竞博彩公司排名中的一些课程可能需要先决条件. Please see course descriptions for more details.


Fall Semester 15
BDAT 1005  数据分析基础 2
ITEC 1003  Networking Fundamentals 2
ITEC 1011  Programming Logic & Design 4
ITEC 1016  Web编程技术 4
TLIT 1005  Technology Fundamentals 3
Spring Semester
ITEC 2120 Database Design and SQL 4
ITEC 2311 User Experience & Interface Design 4
ITEC 2600 Application Development 4
ITEC 2601 数据库应用开发 4
Fall Semester
ITEC 2215 Linux/Web服务器管理 4
ITEC 2317 Web Interactivity Tools 4
ITEC 2340 Scripting Languages 4
ITEC 2520 移动应用开发 4
 Spring Semester

ITEC 1025

Project Management 4

ITEC 1035

Documentation Standards 2
ITEC 2901 综合顶石电竞博彩公司排名 4


Spring Semester 15
BDAT 1005  数据分析基础 2
ITEC 1003  Networking Fundamentals 2
ITEC 1011  Programming Logic & Design 4
ITEC 1016  Web编程技术 4
TLIT 1005  Technology Fundamentals 3
Fall Semester
ITEC 2215 Linux/Web服务器管理 4
ITEC 2317 Web Interactivity Tools 4
ITEC 2340 Scripting Languages 4
ITEC 2520 移动应用开发 4
Spring Semester
ITEC 2120 Database Design and SQL 4
ITEC 2311 User Experience & Interface Design 4
ITEC 2600 Application Development 4
ITEC 2601 数据库应用开发 4
 Fall Semester

ITEC 1025

Project Management 4

ITEC 1035

Documentation Standards 2
ITEC 2901 综合顶石电竞博彩公司排名 4

学生可以选择非全日制完成本课程. Part-time students will take longer to complete their program than students who follow the full-time sequence listed on the official program guide (see the program guide PDF under the LINKS section to the right). 因为可能不是每个学期都开设所有课程, it is important for part-time students to reach out to their faculty advisors for help in planning their long-term, 兼职课程顺序. Refer to the below PDF document for first semester part-time course options and further information.

PDF Part-time Options

学生必须获得累计2分.0 GPA或更高才有资格从这个电竞博彩公司排名毕业.

AAS degree

Business Data Analyst
AAS degree, diploma

IT Support

Software Development
AAS degree, diploma

Web Design & Development
AAS degree, diploma


Lisa Hubbard
Lisa Hubbard

Enrollment Services

Start Dates:

Fall semester: August
Spring semester: January


Important Dates:

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